Courtesy: Shital Parikh MD, Professor, Cincinatti Childrens Hospital, USA
FRCS Orth Exam- Knee Arthroplasty
Courtesy: Zaid al Rab, FOunder, OrthoPass
Intramedullary Nailing in Proximal Humerus fractures
Courtesy: Michell Ruiz, MD Past President, Mexican Shoulder and ELbow Society
Collateral Ligament Injuries in TKR
Courtesy: Dr PrabhuDev Prasad Purudappa, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
PatelloFemoral Instability: A SemiDynamic Technique
Courtesy: Dr Claudia Arias, Lima, Peru
Endoscopic FHL Transfer for Achilles Tendon Ruptures
Courtesy: Gustavo Lucar MD, Barcelona, Spain
ACL and ALL Reconstruction: Techniques and Indications
Courtesy: Achilleas Boutsiadis MD, Athens, Greece
TrapezioMetacarpal Joint Arthroplasty
Courtesy: Mahdi Siala MD, Nice, France
The Athlete’s Shoulder: Structured Approach
Courtesy: Prof Knut Beitzel, Cologne, Germany
Distal Humerus Fractures
Courtesy: Pierluigi DiFelice,MD, Balearic Islands, Spain
Kerboull Cage Reconstruction in Total Hip Replacement
Courtesy: Emmanuel Gibon MD, Asst Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Neil Sheth MD
SpinoPelvic Principles in Total Hip Replacement
Courtesy: Russel Bodner MD, Illinois, USA
Pilon Fractures
Courtesy: Jamal al Asiri, FRCSC, FACS McMaster University and Hamilton Health, Ontario, Canada PILON FRACTURES History • Described in 1911 by Etienne destot • Pilon = pestle • High complication rate with early total care • Managed conservatively early-mid 1900 • Ruedi-Allgower principles: 1969 Pilon fracture classification systems 1. Reudi-allgower classification (1979) 2. AO classification […]
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures
Courtesy: Nicola Archetti Netto MD, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Slope Altering Osteotomy in ACL Reconstruction
Courtesy: Mathias Krause,Hamburg, Germany
SPAIRE Approach in Total Hip Replacement
Courtesy: Eurico Monteiro MD, Porto, Portugal
Distal Biceps Tendon Repair
Courtesy: Prof Christian Konrads, Stralsund, Germany
Arthroscopic Bankart: How to Replicate Open Bankart!
Courtesy: Prof Ivan Wong, Halifax, Canada
Winging of the Scapula
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Hawkin’s Sign for Shoulder Impingement
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA HAWKIN’S SIGN FOR SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT The examiner places the arm of the patient at 90degrees of shoulder flexion with elbow flexed to 90degrees, and applies an internal rotation force with the other hand. The test is positive if the patient experiences shoulder pain with this maneuver. […]