Courtesy: Mr Lee van Rensburg, Cambridge University, UK
LOW BACK PAIN: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA LOWER BACK PAIN ETIOLOGY: There is no definite etiology in 85% of cases. It is one of the most common cause of occupational absenteeism. SITES OF PAIN: 1. Facet joints 2. Intervertebral discs 3. Spinal canal 4. Sacroiliac joint 5. Muscles 6. Ligaments 7. Nerves 8. […]
Liverpool Ortho Oncology Symposium: Neurofibromas, Schwannomas
Courtesy: Liverpool Ortho Oncology Symposium Mr CR Chandrasekhar Ms Kimberley Lam Mr Patrick Shenjere
Preoperative Planning in Shoulder Arthroplasty
Courtesy: Dr Adeeba Albadran, MD Assistant Professor, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Acetabular Reconstruction in Revision THR
Courtesy: Leandro Alves dOliviera, Brazil
Endoscopic Pelvic Fracture Surgery
Courtesy: Koroush Kabir MD, Wuppertal, Germany
Femoral Fractures in Children
Courtesy: Nirav Pandya MD, Associate Professor, UCSF, SanFrancisco, California
ACL Revision Principles
Courtesy: Wolf Petersen MD, Martin Luther Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany
Lisfranc Injuries
Courtesy: Ioannis Stavrakakis MD, Crete, Greece
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Courtesy: Lyndon Mason, FRCSOrth, Liverpool, UK
Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Courtesy: Freek Hollman MD, Venlo, Netherlands
Proximal Biceps Tendon Rupture
?? Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA Popeye sign: is seen in tear of long head of biceps tendon – may you look like popeye after he eats his spinach. Popeye sign – clinical manifestation of biceps tendon rupture It is not a serious injury and patient doesn’t need surgery. Case 1 […]
Unplanned Excision of Soft Tissue Sarcomas
Courtesy: Juan Pretell MD, Chief of Orthopaedic Oncology, Miami Cancer Institute, Florida, USA
AO Classification of Femoral Head Fractures
AO Classification for Femoral Head fractures: 31 C (3=Femur, 1=Proximal femur, C=femoral head) Femoral head Split fractures are classified by AO/OTA as 31C1 and subdivided into: 31C1.1 – Avulsion of ligamentum teres 31C1.2 – Infrafoveal split fracture 31C1.3 – Suprafoveal split fracture Femoral head Depression fractures are classified by AO/OTA as 31C2 and subdivided into: […]
Indications and ContraIndications of Unicompartmental Knee Replacement
Courtesy: Mr Fahad Hossain, Walsall NHS Healthcare, UK
From MIS to mis: Evolution of Calcaneal Fracture Management
Courtesy: Alan Yan MD, Asst Professor, University of South Dakota, US
Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction ( LaPrade Vs Arciero)
Courtesy: James Bailey MD, Santa Barbara, California
Posterolateral Tibial Plateau Fractures
Courtesy: Prof Karl Heinz Frosch, Hamburg, Germany
Distal Humerus Fractures: Current Concepts
Courtesy: Prof Olga Savvidou, Athens University, Greece
ScapuloThoracic Orientation during Pre-Op planning in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
Courtesy: Philipp Moroder MD, Zurich, Switzerland