Courtesy: Vivek Shetty, Hinduja Hospital and Ashok Shyam, IORG and OrthoTV
Elbow Dislocation in Adults
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA Elbow Dislocation in Adults TERRIBLE ELBOW TRIAD • Elbow dislocation+Radial head fracture+Coronoid fracture of ulna • The terrible triad is not a simple elbow dislocation, it is a complex elbow dislocation. • In addition to these three injures of the elbow, there is always a tear […]
Essex Lopressti fracture of the Forearm
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
Courtesy: Shirish Pathak, Ashok Shyam, IORG and OrthoTV
Fractures of the Shaft of Humerus
Courtesy: Matthew Jimenez MD, Morton Grove Physician Offices, 9000 Waukegan Road, Suite 200, Morton Grove, IL 60053
Is Surgery better for Calcaneum, Clavicle or Humerus fractures
Courtesy: Saqib Rehman MD, Director of Orthopaedic Trauma, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylavania, USA
Fractures of the Humeral Shaft and Treatment methods
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Injury to the Coronoid process and Elbow Stabilisers
Courtesy: Sameer Gupta, Elbow Surgeon, SHoulder and Elbow Conference, Jabalpur
Intercondylar Fractures of the Elbow
Courtesy: Shoulder and Elbow course, Jabalpur, India
Closed Reduction of Distal Radius fractures
Courtesy: Christopher Cosgrove, St Louis, Missouri, USA
Radial Head Replacement for Radial head fracture
Courtesy: Nirmal Tejwani, Professor, NY hospital for Joint Diseases, NY, USA
Ulnar Styloid fractures
Courtesy: Vikas Gupta, Max Hospital, Saket, Gurgaon, India
Volar and Dorsal Barton fractures
Courtesy: Dr Vikas Gupta, Consultant Hand Surgeon, Max Hospital, Saket, Gurgaon, India
Evolution of fixation of distal radius fractures
Courtesy: Dr Vikas Gupta, Max Hospital, Saket, Gurgaon, India
Shattered Lower end Radius fractures
Courtesy: Dr Vikas Gupta, Max Hospital, Saket, Gurgaon, India
Anterolateral Plating for fracture Humerus
Courtesy: Tojo Productions, Baltimore, USA
Posterior Plating of the Humeral Shaft
Courtesy: Tojo Productions, Baltimore, USA
Proximal humerus fractures – Fix or replace?
Courtesy: Saqib Rehman, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Capitellum Fractures and Classification
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
Fractures around the Knee in Children
Courtesy: Kaye Wilkins MD Lynn Staheli MD