Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
- It is the most superficial muscle on the medial side of thigh
- The tendon of gracilis muscle is easily palpable in the inguinal region together with adductor longus muscle.
- Medial side of the thigh contains the adductor group of muscles which help in crossing of the legs and balances the pelvis while standing and walking.
- It is the only muscle that crosses 2 joints. It provides a reliable flap for coverage. Most common donor muscle for free muscle transfer procedure.
- Origin : outer surface of ischiopubic ramus.
- Insertion: Upper medial part of tibial shaft below the sartorius muscle. The area is called Pes Ansérines.
- It is the only muscle of the medial aspect of the adductors of thigh that doesn’t insert into the line aspera of femur.
- Innervation: Anterior branch of the obturator nerve
- Arises from the lumbar plexus L2, L3, L4.
- It passes through the obturator foramen to reach the adductor muscles.
- Function : adducts the hip, flexes and internally rotates the knee.
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