By Benjamin Joseph, KMC Manipal, India
Courtesy: Taral Nagda, Sandeep Patwardhan, Ashok Shyam, POSICON 2012
Integrating Principles and Evidence
Integrating Principles and Evidence
By Benjamin Joseph, KMC Manipal, India
Courtesy: Taral Nagda, Sandeep Patwardhan, Ashok Shyam, POSICON 2012
Courtesy: Michael Githens MD, University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centre, Seattle, USA
Courtesy: Michael Githens MD, University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centre, Seattle, USA
Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
This is an excellent article written and presented for the benefit of all Orthopedic Surgeons.(21/2/2015)
Dr.K.Mohan Iyer,Senior Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon,Bangalore,India