Since its first edition over 60 years ago, Rockwood and Green’s Fractures in Adults has been the go-to reference for treating a wide range of fractures in adult patients. The landmark, two-volume tenth edition continues this tradition with two new international editors, a refreshed mix of contributors, and revised content throughout, bringing you fully up to date with today’s techniques and technologies for treating fractures in orthopaedics. Drs. Paul Tornetta III, William M. Ricci, Robert F. Ostrum, Michael D. McKee, Benjamin J. Ollivere, and Victor A. de Ridder lead a team of experts who ensure that the most up-to-date information is presented in a comprehensive yet easy to digest manner
wheresthe link
Gd book
good book
fine &interesting book
where is the link
When I was doing PG abt 30 yrs ago , I loved reading Rock & Green , especially for fractures management , It was pride to have such with us , Then When I became Professor , Had an opportunity to purchase R & G few copies at Two medical colleges , Really a worth book to Know Fractures management
I wish a grand succes for new edition
Good book