Courtesy : Prof Nabile Ebraheim, Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma, University of Toledo, Ohio, United states. Multimedia presentation involving Trendelenburg test, Trendelenburg sign.
Viva Questions:
1. What is Fulcrum, Lever Arm, Power with respect to abductor musculature?
2. Which conditions do you get a false positive and false negative Trendelenburg test?
3. What are the pre requisites of performing a Trendelenburg test?
4. What is an Assisted Trendelenburg test?
Write your answers in the comments Section below.
Q 1. Fulcrum – acetabulum
Lever arm – head and Neck along with trochanter of the femur
Power – Gluteua Medius
Q 2. False positive- unco-operative patient , painful hip, Balance disorders, severe scoliosis(Costo-Pelvic Impingement.)
False negative – when patients tries to prevent falling the normal hip by producing the supra pelvic tricky movements, Shift of the trunk to the normal hip to balance the Pelvis
Q 3. Hip should be painfree, There should be flexion at hip and knee,
Q 4. when there is false negative trendelenbergt test, the stance side arm is supported to realign the trunk , so the true interpretation of the test can be done.
Assisted trendeleberg test:
When patient is unable to bear weight on painful diseased hip- examiner stands facing the patient with palms supinated. Patient stands on diseased hip by placing hands on examiners palms for support. More palm pressure on the normal side indicates positive assisted trendelenberg test.