This exam must be completed in 20 minutes. Click here to start the exam
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Integrating Principles and Evidence
Integrating Principles and Evidence
This exam must be completed in 20 minutes. Click here to start the exam
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Get explanatory answers from our book,
Get explanatory answers from our book
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great oppertunity to test self knowledge…
Hill Sachs lesion is on posterolateral aspect of humeral head. Also mentioned in ur explanation.
Evrybody shud try this test ..!!;-)
The humeral head question: The question is recurrent POSTERIOR Instability with a Hill Sach’s lesion. The question is technically wrong. The examiner wants to check whether the candidate is aware of reverse Hill sachs without mentioning REVERSE.
I was once upon a time very good at Brachjal plexes I was disappointed at my mistake
Sir,U r leading tis site in well composed way …..I wish to c more n more tests like this….so tat we can learn frm mistakes
Interesting every one should try for this test
very nice explanations.
needs mcq for frcs orthopaedic.