Courtesy: Prof Nabile Ebraheim
Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Toledo
United States.
Suprascapular nerve
Origin: upper trunk of brachial plexus( C5, C6)
The Nerve passes under the transverse scapular ligament at suprascapular notch.
The transverse scapular artery runs above the ligament. Artery and nerve join and passes through spinoglenoid notch under inferior
scapular ligament
Innervation : supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle
Clinical features: nerve compression at suprascapular notch affect both muscles and cause decrease in abduction and loss of
external rotation
Nerve compression at spinoglenoid affect infraspinatus and cause loss of external rotation
This is seen in volleyball players and associated with cyst ,ganglia and slap tears.
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