Global Trainee Program
- Location:Clinica del Deporte, Street 40 #482 , La Plata, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
- Program Chair: Vicente Paus, MD
- Email: docencia-investigacionATclinicadeldeporteDOTcomDOTar
- Contact: 54 – 221 – 4212929, 54 – 221 – 4212929
- Description: The Fellow will attend to surgeries, athenaeum, health care consultant and physiotherapy consultant.
- Number of fellows per year: 5
- Training Session Length: 3 months
- The program consists of 4 main areas: Health Care, where the Fellow participates in different medical consultation. Rehabilitation, with physical therapists the Fellow learns how different sports injuries are treated. Surgery, the student will attend to surgeries that take place within the period he is. Athenaeum,cases of patients are presented and solved by the professional team.
- All these programs listed are for reference only. Orthopaedic Principles is not responsible for the Educational content and quality of Surgical Exposure provided.
intrested to know about this fellowship programme
please inform about the application process and requirements.
Sir how to apply for fellowship in Argentina…I am very much intrested in sports injuries. .kindly guide me..thank you
i am interested in this fellowship. what is the procedure and requirements ??
I am a korean orthopedic doctor who is interested in your program
Could you send me application information
many thanks
Sangmog lee
How to apply???