- Ballarat Lower Extremity Fellowship
- Aims of fellowship: Local infiltration analgesia, overnight stay joint replacements, Signature Vanguard knee replacement, Miniposterior hip replacement
- Start date: 29, Jan, 2012
- Value of fellowship:$300K AUD + executive accommodation
- Qualification: FRACS
- Contact adress: David Mitchell, 707 Mair Street, Ballarat, Australia
- Tel:0438 322 969
- Fax: +613 5332 2003
- Web: http://www.aoa.org.au/Libraries/eCM_Files/AccFell_Mitchell_LowerLimb_pdf.sflb
how to apply for it?please guide me sir.
Dear sir,
I am interested in this fellowship. plz guide me regarding procedure to apply
how to apply? please guide
i am doing m.s ortho final year in india. my sister works for IBM australia and stays at ballarat, victoria. i am interested in your fellowship. can you guide me please.