- Surgeon’s Name: Laurent LAFOSSE / Bruno TOUSSAINT
- Telephone: +3304500950
- Fax: +3304500951
- Website: http://www.alps-surgery-institute.com/site/type–length-of-fellowship.html
- Address: Clinique Generale , 4 chemin tour de a reine
- Town/City: ANNECY
- County/Province:
- Country: France
- Postcode/Zip code: 74000
- Region: Europe
Fellowship Details
- Type of Fellowship: Private Practice,
- Period: 1 Years
- Salary: 1500 €
- Accomodation:
- Language(s): French
Weekly schedule:
- Monday AM opérating room with Laurent LAFOSSE PM opérating room with Laurent LAFOSSE
- Tuesday AM operating room with Bruno TOUSSAINT PM operating room with Bruno TOUSSAINT
- Wednesday AM opérating room with Laurent LAFOSSE PM opérating room with Laurent LAFOSSE
- Thursday AM operating room with Bruno TOUSSAINT PM operating room with Bruno TOUSSAINT
- Friday AM Scientific study PM scientific Study
- Saturday AM Free PM Free
- Sunday AM Free PM Free
Number of cases/week: 25 shoulder cases 4 elbow cases 20 other cases
Clinical Duties of Fellow: You take a clinical examination of the patient the day before surgery. You install the patient in the operating room and you assist the senior during the surgery. Sometime you help to prepare shoulder arthroscopy courses (three or four courses per year)
Research Duties of Fellow: You prepare and you write scientific papers about shoulder arthroscopy or TS Arthroplasty.
Please mention Source: www.orthopaedicprinciples.com
Its indeed a grt opportunity to get trained in dealing with the pathologies around the shoulder at the annecy institute under the giant Laurent Lafosse. This is a major referrral center and patients come from all over world especially contact athelets to get their arthroscopic latarjet done. U gain a lot working with the three masters- Lafosse, Bruno toussiant and Bahurel. They are kind and spend time to ease out ur doubts and guide you through the amazing world of shoulder arthroscopy.
Prior to my arrival in this part of the world i claimed myself to be a shoulder surgeon because i could do an arthroscopic bankarts repair. Time spend out here in france proved me wrong. i realized the fact that the ability to perform an arthroscopic bankarts repair is only a basic qualification to enter into this vast ocean of shoulder arthroscopy and not a great achievement.
There is a lot v got to learn from the french surgeons. They think differently and do things which nobody could ever think of in the shoulder.In short they are DARE DEVILS. Their main drawback is the language barrier and hence the inability to convey their thoughts to the world.
Dr Biju Pankapilly
sir is it that we have to fill the formal application form and courrier it . isnt sending them the mail is not accepted as the formal application
sir,im an indian orthopaedic surgeon,interested in your course,please guide me how to apply..