Platelet-rich Plasma: Current Concepts and Application in Sports Medicine
Although minimal clinical evidence is currently available, the use of platelet-rich plasma has increased, given its safety as well as the availability of new devices for outpatient preparation and delivery. Its use in surgery to augment rotator cuff and Achilles tendon repair has also been reported. As the marketing of platelet-rich plasma increases, orthopaedic surgeons must be informed regarding the available preparation devices and their differences. Many controlled clinical trials are under way, but clinical use should be approached cautiously until high-level clinical evidence supporting platelet-rich plasma efficacy is available
MP Hall, PA Band, RJ Meislin, LM Jazrawi, DA Cardone,
so much is being written about PRP now. but i cant see much proper evidenced studies..what do u guys say?
firstly my exposure to PRP is just 8 mths old… we used it (ACP- Arthrex) on tendoachilles tear (a/c), meniscal repairs, tennis elbow & ACL recon. definite plus points were very easy to make and virtually no side effects..does it work?.. well the tendoachilles patients (just 2) recovered very fast. in fact we did repeat MRI after 4 weeks and showed great healing!!.. ACL, meniscal repair..dont really know..also its kinda tricky injecting into the spot.
the interesting fact is PRP accelerates type 1 collagen its the scar tissue that i m wondering about its chondrogenic potential ..
1) Am J Sports Med 2009 37: 2259 Timothy E. Foster, Brian L. Puskas, Bert R. Mandelbaum, Michael B. Gerhardt and Scott A. Rodeo
2)The Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine: Optimizing the Healing Environment ;Emilio Lopez; The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Vol 26, No 2 (February), 2010: pp 269-278
3)The biology of platelet-rich plasma and its application in trauma and orthopaedic surgery;J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2009;91-B:987-96.
4) double syringe for PRP is quite cool…