————————————————————————————– ————————————————–Hospital for Sick Children Fellowship
Toronto, Canada,
Speciality: Paediatric orthopaedics
Duration: One year
Address: Patricia Cayetano, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M6C2G1, Canada
Telephone: +1 416 813 6686
Fax: +1 416 813 6414
Email: patricia.cayetano@sickkids.ca
Website: www.sickkids.ca/orthopaedicsurgery
Paediatric Orthopaedics Fellowship
The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital,Hong Kong,
Speciality: Paediatric Orthopaedics
Period of Fellowship: 6-month
Career grade of applicant: Post graduate orthopaedic surgeons
Address: Dr Wang CHOW, 12, Sandy Bay Road, Hong Kong
Fax: 85229740621
Email: choww@ha.org.hk
Paediatric and Adult Spine Fellowship Sydney, Australia,
Speciality: Spine
Aims of Fellowship: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is a State Tertiary Referral Centre and is part of a cross campus with Westmead Hospital, permitting extensive exposure to paediatric and adult spine including: trauma, tumours, infections, deformities and degenerative diseases.
Period of Fellowship: 12 months
Sponsoring Organization: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Value of Fellowship: $45,000/6 months
Previous Fellows: Fabio Ferri-de-Barros, Arvind Kulkarni
Career grade of applicant: Completed orthopaedic training
Miscellaneous requirements: Applications should include a CV with 3 referees
Contact Person for Applications: Contact Person for Applications: Joan Tornquist
Application Address: The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead 2145, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Application Telephone: +61 (02) 9845 3347
Fax: +61 (02) 9845 3180
Email: joant@chw.edu.au
Paediatric Orthopedic Surgery Fellowship
Hospital for Special Surgery,New York, USA,
Speciality: Orthopaedics/Spinal Deformity, Paediatric Orthopaedics
Aims of Fellowship: This is a year-long fellowship based in New York
Period of Fellowship: One year
Contact Person for Applications: Daniel Green
Application Address: Hospital for Special Surgery, 535 East 70th Street, New York, New York 10021, USA
Application Telephone: +1 212 606 1466
Email: academictraining@hss.edu
Website: www.hss.edu
Spine Fellowship
The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong, China,
Speciality: Spine
Period of Fellowship: Six months
Sponsoring Organization: University of Hong Kong
Value of Fellowship: Accomodation provided and a small renumeration partially sponsored by the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children.
Contact Person for Applications: Miss April Cheung
Application Address: Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital, 12 Sandy Bay Road, Hong Kong
Application Telephone: +852 2974 0282
Fax: +852 2974 0621
Email: cheungm@ha.org.hk
Arthroplasty fellowship
Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital,Seoul, South Korea,
Speciality: Primary & Revision Arthroplasty
Aims of Fellowship: Training in Conventional & Computer navigated arthroplasty with MIS
Period of Fellowship: 3 months
Sponsoring Organization: Hallym University provides good accomodation & food
Previous Fellows: Dr Agashe, Dr G S Umarani, Dr Veghad, Dr Ravisaheb sanjiv, Dr MG Umarani, Dr Rutuj
Kamdar, Dr Pankaj Walecha
Career grade of applicant: Qualified Orthopaedic surgeon from country of origin
Eligibility of applicant: MS/DNB/MD preferably with 6months of experience in Arthroplasty
Miscellaneous requirements: Relevant Certificates
Closing date for Applications: Fellows are selected every six months, next session starting on 1st may 09.
Contact Person for Applications: Prof Jun Dong Chang, MD,PhD
Email: jdchangos@yahoo.com
Spine Research Fellowship
Applications are invited for spine research fellowship at Medical College of Wisconsin,Milwaukee, USA with Dr. Raj D Rao
Raj D Rao is a well known spine surgeon in United States
Email: rajdrao@gmail.com,
RRao @mcw.edu
Arthroplasty fellowship
Applications are invited for Arthroplasty fellowship with Dr O.N.Nagi at
Department of Orthopaedics, Shri Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi.
E mail: profnagi@yahoo.co.in
Salary: Rs. 20,000/- per month
For details visit discussion forum
I wid like to apply for the same kindly mail me the details…
This is very good site for helping the freshers in this field to choose and go for further training
i am interested to do fellowship in orthopedic oncology can somebody help me
I am interested in the arthroplasty fellowship with Dr Nagi or any other one that is available.I am a Nigerian trained orthopaedic surgeon.
i am intrested in doing arthroplasty fellowship
I am orthopeadic specialist interested in arthroplasty surgery
Master degree in ortho.MSc 2003
MRCS ireland 2011
Sicot diploma 2012
AO trauma fellowship austria 2013